How Does Lack of Understanding in Young People Cause Trouble in Old People’s Lives and Wellbeing?
With time, old people need additional emotional care, affection, and support to live a healthy life apart from fears and worries, because old age is quite a delicate stage.
However, due to a lack of awareness and changing behavioural patterns in older members, the younger generation causes the older generation trouble, which eventually leads to abuse and disrespect.
These tough situations influence their lives and further induce serious physiological and psychological problems.
People Face Challenges in Their Younger Stages, But As Old Age Becomes Unbearable
In a person's life, there are different stages, such as birth, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, but old age is something every person fears.
At each stage of life, a person faces their own difficulties and issues like a warrior. But, when the old stage begins, physical strength and mental stability decline and make life troublesome.
As per the report, by the next decade, India's senior citizen population will rise by 41%.
With age, people started to develop different kinds of medical conditions, such as . blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, joint pain, urinating problems and kidney infections.
What Are There Other Factors That Make Older Age Tough?
Older age is not just impacted by diseases, but there are other factors too that play a crucial role in declining health.
One of the key factors is the
younger generation's carelessness towards elderly members of a family. They
require affection and care.
The younger generation thinks of
older people as burdens and makes them feel unworthy due to their lack of
understanding and unawareness of their needs and concerns.
Older people desire good health,
dignity, care, economic support, and attention from their family members. But
in contrast, they are often abused and hurt by younger members.
● Elderly people are forced to sell their property and belongings and partition their land among children.
As a result, they face cognitive challenges such as feeling disconnected from society, meaningless in life, and desiring an earlier death.
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